One of the biggest challenges that’s come with this disruption to normal life is the void in purpose it can easily create. I’m a creature of habit. My daily routine - and probably yours, too - although exhausting, does provide opportunities for me to do things that connect with others, to do meaningful work, to support my family and friends, and to improve myself. And while this mandatory break from the rat-race has been refreshing in many ways, it's also been hard at times to find that purpose that's so important for each of us. The truth is, it's not always easy to make these days count. It's actually easier, if we aren't careful, to waste these days. Doing something important and meaningful takes a unique level of discipline and intention.
Making these days count, of course, starts with making this day count. I want to encourage you to muster up a little discipline and a little intention today, and to accomplish something that can make a difference in your life or in the lives of those important to you. Here are ten simple suggestions - each one takes only a minute or two to complete - that can provide you with a little purpose for today. Of course, none of these tasks are earth-shattering, but you might be surprised the impact one small act of kindness can have.
This week’s newsletter is shorter than normal. I'm hoping today you can read a little less from me and do a little more for yourself or someone else. I’d challenge you to take a few minutes - RIGHT NOW - and find a way to make today count.
1) Send a text to a personal friend or family member, someone who’s important to you but maybe you take for granted. Include the words, “I’m thankful for you because…”
2) Send an email of affirmation to someone you work with. Include the words, “I really appreciate how you…”
3) Handwrite a note you can deliver to someone in person, right now wherever you are.
4) Provide positive feedback on three different social media posts. Like and make a personal, positive comment on each.
5) Compliment (speak/write/text/call) your child/children on one specific way they've impressed you during this quarantine.
6) Go perform one totally random act of service - do the dishes, fold the laundry, sweep the floor, etc. (Bonus points if you intentionally choose to do the thing you hate the most!)
7) Jot down ten things/people/experiences you’re thankful for, and put the list someplace you’ll see it every day.
8) Consider who in your world is currently dealing with a really hard circumstance. It could be the death of a loved one, a health scare, uncertainty at work, or something else. Text that person, give them a word of encouragement, and let them know you’re thinking about them today.
9) Hop on amazon and purchase a new book - one you’ve considered buying but haven’t.
10) Send someone deserving an e-gift card for coffee on you.
I know the easy thing to do is to glance through the list above, acknowledge that most if not all of those tasks are worth doing, and then commit to finding the time later on. Don't do that. Don't allow yourself to wait. Even if you can't do everything, right now, do something. Take a minute or two of this day and do something important and meaningful for yourself or someone else. Muster up a little discipline and a little intention, and let's all make today count.