



The idea of doing something big and important can be daunting for any of us, especially for our young athletes. Of course, it wasn't always this way for them. There was a time when the formula for playing the game was simple: play hard, have fun, go get some ice cream. But the older our kids get – and the more there is at stake when they step in the arena – the more challenging things can become. Expectations and pressure and fear that never existed before can easily become a part of playing the game. New questions that weren't a part of the experience before are now, questions like...what if I fail? What if I look bad? Do I have what it takes? Sadly for many athletes, the effort and passion that used to come with playing a kid's game takes a backseat when they start questioning if really, truly competing is worth the risk.

That's one of the important reasons why you're here. As a champion sports parent, you see clearly that your child needs you. They need you to help them answer some of the questions they face – questions they may not be capable of answering themselves – about the risk that comes with doing something big and important. In the midst of their challenging moments, here are five powerful words that every young athlete needs to hear – five powerful words your child needs to hear today: "you've got what it takes."



Here are five powerful words your child needs to hear today: “you’ve got what it takes.”



Now of course, not everyone has what it takes to do everything in this world, and you are responsible for making sure your child knows, when you say "you've got what it takes," what exactly "it" is. If "it" means playing perfectly today, then your kid probably doesn't have what it takes. Why? Because no one does. If "it" means making every shot or every throw or every catch, then again it's likely they might not have what it takes. Why? Because no one does. Heck, even winning falls into this unknown category. There are an awful lot of variables that can keep your kid from winning today, variables he or she may have very little control over. I hope your child wins every game they play, and I'm sure you do, too. But if "it" means an undefeated record for life, then your kid probably doesn't have what it takes. Why? Because no one does. 

But if "it" means really, truly competing? Then yes, no matter who your child is, how much physical ability he or she may have, or what circumstances are involved in their experience today...yes, they have what it takes. Playing with great effort and passion? Yes, they've got what it takes to do that, too. Being a great teammate, overcoming adversity, taking risks, and choosing a great attitude? Check, check, check, and check. When you say to your child, "you've got what it takes," you aren't saying that "it" means everything; you're saying "it" means the most important things. You're saying that no matter what, your child can step into the arena and play like a champion today. And ironically, playing well, achieving their goals, and winning are a by-product of this mindset. It's your job to make sure your child never forgets it.

Speaking those five powerful words helps your child answer that challenging question today, and it helps them formulate an answer for themselves as they continue to learn and grow into their champion selves. But even as they get older you better keep those five powerful words coming. After all, we adults we can find ourselves asking those same questions from time to time, can't we? The idea of doing something big and important – like raising a child who reaching their full potential, in sports and in life – can be daunting for any of us. What if I fail, you may find yourself worrying. What if I look bad? Do I have what it takes? The answer, as always, is yes. Believe it. You've got what it takes.